David Gordon, LCSW-RMar 5, 2023A Practical, Helpful PodcastI've recently been following a Podcast created by a talented friend and colleague called My CBT. She is Dr. Julie Osborn, LCSW,...
David Gordon, LCSW-RSep 23, 2022An Interesting Article on Spending Time with Yourself via: The Mighty Make an appointment with yourself... Read the article here.
David Gordon, LCSW-RJul 15, 2022Everyone should be aware of the launching of the new 988 suicide helpline for yourself and others.What is the purpose of 988? 988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide...
David Gordon, LCSW-RMar 6, 2022Managing Headline AnxietyGreat article with some helpful tips and resources. How to Manage “Headline Anxiety” With breaking news constantly flooding media......
David Gordon, LCSW-RDec 31, 2021As we begin the New Year...As we enter into the New Year, I offer these words of others to guide and inspire us. I continue to be grateful to being a small part of...
David Gordon, LCSW-ROct 12, 2021Change is Good...Good morning. Hope you enjoy this lovely fall Sunday. For your information, I will be moving to a new office and starting there sometime...
David Gordon, LCSW-RJun 26, 2021Managing or Letting Go of People You Think Aren't Ready to Love YouThis Year, Let Go Of The People Who Aren’t Ready To Love You by Briana Wiest ′′Let go the people who are not prepared to love you. This...
David Gordon, LCSW-RMay 16, 2021Fear by Kahlil Gibran It is said that before entering the sea a river trembles with fear. She looks back at the path she has traveled, from the peaks of the...
David Gordon, LCSW-RMar 2, 2021'Small Things Often', a podcast from The Gottman Institute You can find this on itunes or wherever you get your podcasts. Give your relationships a boost in 5 minutes or less with Small Things...
David Gordon, LCSW-RMar 1, 2021Quote of the Week!For more Quotes, visit us here. Click here for www.dgordonlcswr.com Subscribe to the Message Board here. You'll receive updated...
David Gordon, LCSW-RMar 1, 2021Great article in the Buffalo News!'Pandemic Lessons: Planning is near impossible. How do you stay calm about the future?' by Tim O'Shea. Read the whole article here...